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A view of the Hillhead show ground from the western end of the quarry

Vehicle & Asset CCTV

Foresolutions Ltd Stand: RB10
  • Vehicle & Asset CCTV
Vehicle & Asset CCTV Vehicle & Asset CCTV

Foretrack Vehicle Cameras

Innovative, fully integrated live tracking solution

Camera & Tracker In One Device


In-vehicle Cameras

Having cameras installed in your vehicles & assets can prevent fraudulent insurance payouts, improve driving behaviour, and potentially reduce your insurance premiums. Video footage can serve as an accurate witness should an incident occur, providing irrefutable evidence that prevents false or 'crash-for-cash' claims, allegations of driving offences, or vandalism.

Reduce Insurance Claims

Vehicle incidents and insurance claims are time-consuming for all involved. Using Foretrack Connect camera solutions within your fleet can help prevent false claims and avoid ambiguity in establishing the facts, reducing the likelihood of 50/50 claims. Foretrack Connect gives you the solid evidence you need to protect your fleet, drivers and business.

Improve Driver Behaviour

The Foretrack Connect camera solution can improve driver behaviour and help encourage best practices whilst on the road. This in turn leads to fewer accidents and damage to vehicles.

A Comprehensive & Flexible Solution

Our multiple cameras can be set up to meet the needs of your operating environment. That might be recording the interior of your vehicles to establish available capacity or loading, or providing better visibility of drivers or passengers whilst they're out on the road.

The high definition pictures remain clear even in low light levels at night, and the built-in microphone captures audio too.

Continuously recording events inside and outside the vehicle, the camera detects when a collision or other abnormal event occurs and saves a copy of the footage. It can also notify you immediately via SMS or email.

As the vehicle location is stored alongside the audio and video you can see exactly where the incident occurred, as well as other important information such as the vehicle speed.

Tailored To Your Needs

We have a range of solutions to meet the needs of your business.



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