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Exhibitor Products

A view of the Hillhead show ground from the western end of the quarry

TCE Lubrication

TCET/Insytly Stand: PC1
  • TCE Lubrication
TCE Lubrication TCE Lubrication TCE Lubrication

Automatic Lubricators

Automatic Lubricators solve lubrication problems and keep your equipment/asset in good order.

  • Improve the life and reliability of your equipment, reducing down time and maintenance costs.
  • Improvements to your productivity.
  • First class service, with prompt deliveries, technical service and comprehensive dedicated documentation.
  • The right solution to the lubrication problem.

Automatic Lubricators provide all possible kinds of lubricating points with oil or grease – 24 hours a day.

  • Automatic lubricators guarantee a consistent supply of lubricant.
  • Within seconds Automatic Lubricators are fixed to the lubricating point.
  • The lubricating amount can be easily adjusted
  • Shutdown times are decreased and costs reduced in comparison to hand lubrication.
  • Automatic Lubricators are suitable for the automatic lubrication of chains, open gears, guide rails, bearings etc.
  • Automatic Lubricators can be used on fixed or mobile plant (see video links below)



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