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A view of the Hillhead show ground from the western end of the quarry

Dynamic Compaction Roller

JJMac Ground Stabilisation Ltd Stand: C32
  • Dynamic Compaction Roller
Dynamic Compaction Roller Dynamic Compaction Roller Dynamic Compaction Roller

The application of Roller Dynamic Compaction (RDC) on former Landfill and Backfilled sites has increased over recent years in the UK. There is an increasing need for civil engineers to provide cost-effective solutions for construction on marginal or difficult sites. JJMac RDC will reduce the impact of Settlement and Compression of poorly and uncompacted backfill when redeveloping the sites. Compaction is a common ground-improvement technique that aims to increase the density of soil by applying mechanical energy to increase soil strength and decrease settlement beneath the ground surface. Rolling Dynamic Compaction (RDC) involves towing a non-circular roller with a tractor. As the non-circular roller rotates, it imparts energy to the soil as it falls to impact the ground.



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