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Exhibitor Products

A view of the Hillhead show ground from the western end of the quarry

Bulk Automation

Bulk Automation Ltd Stand: PB27
  • Bulk Automation
Bulk Automation Bulk Automation Bulk Automation

Robotic Palletising

Bulk automation design and build robot palletising systems that are robust and reliable to suit every requirement. Robot palletisers increase production and reliability, systems are designed to suit each customers specific needs the flexible ABB robotic range allows Bulk Automation to provide bespoke systems.

Our programming engineers have developed our own program “ PRO STACK” which integrates with the ABB platform to allow operators to manipulate the stacking patterns via the HMI.

Bulk Bagging

The Big or Bulk Bag bagging machines can all adapt easily to varying production needs. Efficiency and reliability are guaranteed by the top quality components and strength of the structure, which can support heavy duty workloads.

The systems can use tunnel or looped Bulk Bags that are placed onto the bag holding frame by the operator. After the placing of the bags by the operator the system can from there be fully automatic or semi-automatic depending on the customers preference. We offer systems that can be filled by pre-set weight or value matric depending on the product.

Pallet Wrapping

Automatic pallet wrappers with stretch film for stable wrapping of heavy loads are ideal for fast production speeds and available in several versions. The machines can adapt to the most diverse production contexts, realising fast and compact wrapping using stretch film which allows for perfect stabilisation of the palletised load.


Bulk Automation is a company built on engineering and electrical expertise within the packaging industry, with a combined experience of over 35 years BA has the capability as a company to design and build packaging systems to suit every need, we believe that simple systems are the most robust and economical and have based our company model around this.



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